

راديو اينوما


The rise of populism



الدكتورة ميرنا داوود

أستاذة جامعية وكاتبة

Populism is the current trend of this era, however, it is completely different from what we have witnessed in the last century, through revolutionary parties and followers of traditional political theories.

Today, the term synthesizes a heterogeneous mixture of leaders and politicians. However, in the past, populism was considered an attempt to paint an image of social, political and moral justice, which quickly collided with the reality of politics as interests. It further turned into power in the name of popular mandate. People are disturbed by the persistence of the ruling establishment and its economic dominance and the consequences for large sections of the population, such as Trump's populism in America and Marie Le Pen in France.
It was remarkable in Trump's inaugural address that he had spoken openly and directly claiming that the institutions were thriving while people were suffering. It was clear that he was aiming to destroy the ruling institutions in Washington, which attacked him viciously and without any mercy. The conflict in DC did not end as of yet, and a similar conflict will take place in Paris and in London.
In the summer of 2019, the far-right in Germany continued its successes in state government elections and became the second political party in Germany. Its extreme nationalistic hostile rhetoric is aimed against the European Union as well as towards the foreigners and the refugees.
From a scientific perspective, populism seems to be a blunt scream in the face of stiffness, which exists within the joints of regimes not adapted to the rapid changes, which correspond with the needs of their nations. Such necessities are rapidly evolving in our postmodern world.
It is the nature of things to be unwilling to change, when stability occurs, and when it concerns governing establishments, it is referred to as the government’s physic This is exactly where the unpredicted gap takes place between the people and the governing institutions, and that is exactly when the arise populism occurs. This will appear as a collective remedy for the nation and a loud scream, which often leads to instability.
Perhaps, the events that we are witnessing today, such as the growing extreme right, including their incitement trends, as well as the extreme Islamist movements and other revolutionary movements around the world is a reflection of the reality of the situation today. It predicts a large gap between the governing institutions and the people, who are embodied within the phenomenon of populism.
In a postmodern world, it is difficult to predict the course of the populism phenomenon. There is a possibility that the governing institutions may prevail or may eventually coexist with it. It is also possible for the populism to prevail and lead the nation to total chaos. We are living in an uncertain world, and all the possibilities are there.




راديو اينوما